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What Three Agreements Were Made as a Result of the Cuban Crisis

The Cuban Missile Crisis, which lasted for 13 days in October 1962, is considered as one of the most critical events of the Cold War. The crisis involved the United States, the Soviet Union, and Cuba, and it almost resulted in nuclear warfare. However, the parties involved came to agreements that brought the crisis to an end. Here are three agreements that were made as a result of the Cuban Crisis:

1. The United States agreed to dismantle missile sites in Turkey

One of the major concerns for the Soviet Union was the presence of U.S. missile sites in Turkey, which were considered as a threat to the USSR`s national security. As part of the agreement to end the crisis, the United States agreed to dismantle its missile sites in Turkey. This was done secretly by the U.S. government in exchange for the removal of Soviet missiles from Cuba. This agreement was not publicly announced until many years later, but it was crucial in helping to prevent a nuclear war.

2. The Soviet Union agreed to remove missiles from Cuba

The main cause of the crisis was the Soviet Union`s attempt to place nuclear missiles in Cuba, which was only 90 miles away from the U.S. This move was seen as a direct challenge to the U.S. national security and was met with a strong response from the American government. After several days of tense negotiations, the Soviet Union agreed to remove its missiles from Cuba in exchange for a U.S. promise not to invade Cuba and to remove missiles from Turkey.

3. The U.S. and the Soviet Union established a direct communication line

During the crisis, there was a lack of direct communication between the U.S. and the USSR. The only means of communication was through intermediaries, which made it difficult to reach quick and effective decisions. As a result of the crisis, the two countries established a direct communication line, also known as the “hotline.” This line was intended to facilitate direct communication between the leaders of the two countries to prevent future crises from escalating.

In conclusion, the Cuban Missile Crisis was a significant event in world history that threatened to result in a nuclear war. Thanks to the diplomatic efforts of the parties involved, the crisis was resolved peacefully through a series of agreements. The dismantling of missile sites in Turkey, the removal of missiles from Cuba, and the establishment of direct communication between the US and the USSR were crucial agreements that prevented a catastrophic outcome.